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Why are regression problems called "regression" problems?
Origin of 'regression' The term "regression" was coined by Francis Galton in the 19th century to describe a biological phenomenon. The phenomenon was that the heights of descendants of tall ancestors tend to regress down towards a normal average (a phenomenon also known as regression toward the mean)(Galton, reprinted 1989).

correlation - What is the difference between linear regression on y ...
The insight that since Pearson's correlation is the same whether we do a regression of x against y, or y against x is a good one, we should get the same linear regression is a good one. It is only slightly incorrect, and we can use it to understand what is actually occurring.

Regression with multiple dependent variables? - Cross Validated
Multivariate regression is done in SPSS using the GLM-multivariate option. Put all your outcomes (DVs) into the outcomes box, but all your continuous predictors into the covariates box. You don't need anything in the factors box. Look at the multivariate tests. The univariate tests will be the same as separate multiple regressions.

What happens when I include a squared variable in my regression ...
Well, first of, the dummy variable is interpreted as a change in intercept. That is, your coefficient β3 β 3 gives you the difference in the intercept when D = 1 D = 1, i.e. when D = 1 D = 1, the intercept is β0 +β3 β 0 + β 3. That interpretation doesn't change when adding the squared x1 x 1. Now, the point of adding a squared to the ...

regression - Why do we say the outcome variable "is regressed on" the ...
The word "regressed" is used instead of "dependent" because we want to emphasise that we are using a regression technique to represent this dependency between x and y. So, this sentence "y is regressed on x" is the short format of: Every predicted y shall "be dependent on" a value of x through a regression technique.

regression - How exactly does one “control for other variables ...
Application to Multiple Regression. This geometric process has a direct multiple regression interpretation, because columns of numbers act exactly like geometric vectors. They have all the properties we require of vectors (axiomatically) and therefore can be thought of and manipulated in the same way with perfect mathematical accuracy and rigor.

Explain the difference between multiple regression and multivariate ...
The predictor variables may be more than one or multiple. So it is may be a multiple regression with a matrix of dependent variables, i. e. multiple variances. But when we say multiple regression, we mean only one dependent variable with a single distribution or variance. The predictor variables are more than one.

How do I perform a regression on non-normal data which remain non ...
You don't need to assume Normal distributions to do regression. Least squares regression is the BLUE estimator (Best Linear, Unbiased Estimator) regardless of the distributions. See the Gauss-Markov Theorem (e.g. wikipedia) A normal distribution is only used to show that the estimator is also the maximum likelihood estimator.

regression - What does it mean to regress a variable against another ...
Probably, Yes. Many times we need to regress a variable (say Y) on another variable (say X). In Regression, it can therefore be written as Y = a + bX Y = a + b X; regress Y on X: regress true breeding value on genomic breeding value, etc. bias=lm(TBV~GBV) Share. Cite.

Difference between regression analysis and curve fitting
On one hand, regression often, if not always, implies an analytical solution (reference to regressors implies determining their parameters, hence my argument about analytical solution). On the other hand, curve fitting does not necessarily imply producing an analytical solution and IMHO often might be and is used as an exploratory approach.






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